Tuesday, October 27, 2009

winning a battle, losing the war

he said it was like winning a battle, losing the war for him and sent me the link to the video.
i was instantly drawn to the song and listened carefully to it.
and i started to notice the lyrics and wonder, mmm...
what is he trying to say? I tried not to think too much.

我的心裡住了一隻小野獸,老是徒勞無功地亂走亂竄,大聲咆叫。昨天終於去看了野獸國, Where the Wild Things Are. 不知道幾歲的時候媽媽幫我買了漢聲全套繪本,我小時候很乖,不是隻小野獸,每天都乖乖坐在書房裡面看很多書,不過還是常常被揍得半死,直到小學畢業。





Even though I'll never need her, 即使我從不需要她,
even though she's only giving me pain, 即使她只帶來痛苦,
I'll be on my knees to feed her, 我會跪下滿足她所有需求,
spend a day to make her smile again 花一天時間讓她重展笑顏。
Even though I'll never need her, 即使我從不需要她,
even though she's only giving me pain 即使她只帶來痛苦,
As the world is soft around her, 有了她的世界如此柔和,
leaving me with nothing to disdain. 我不再鄙視一切。

Even though I'm not her minder, 即使我不是她的守護者,
even though she doesn't want me around, 即使她不想我在身邊,
I am on my feet to find her, 我還是四處走遍要找到她,
to make sure that she is safe and sound. 確保她安全無虞。
Even though I'm not her minder, 即使我不是她的守護者,
even though she doesn't want me around, 即使她不想我在身邊,
I am on my feet to find her, 我還是四處走遍要找到她,
to make sure that she is safe from harm. 確保她不受傷害。

The sun sets on the war, 戰爭就要結束,
the day breaks and everything is new... 又是新的一天到來……


justice said...

喜愛會消褪, 但是愛是常存.
愛情會消褪, 但是智慧會讓美好延續再延續.

我小時候也有幾套漢聲的書, 有的從小到大看了好幾十次

Anonymous said...
